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I Have An Idea

Unlock Your Athletic Potential with Menstrual Cycle Training
Pre menopausal women; trans men; and non binary people with a uterus, have our own seasons of cycling oestrogen and progesterone. We...

10 Daily Movements
If you would like a good top-to-toe 10 minute exercise routine - try this one

Turn Up the Heat on Your Warm Up to Avoid Injury
Aerial training as a hobby is hard. Not only does it hurt, it requires a whole lot of strength and flexibility that the average person...

Exercise for Ages 40 and Beyond: Training Advice from Stacy Sims’ Book: ‘Next Level.’
Guidance on strength training and exercise in perimenopause and menopause

The Warm Up: it's not just for our muscles
We all know how to warm up right? But, have you ever thought about warming up in a smarter way? In a way that avoids injury and keeps you...

Twelve Dominant movement patterns
I wrote a blog post years ago called a dozen daily movements - it was written on the assumption that these were movements that we should...

Returning to Circus Training: check out these graphs
Below are the images, slides and links from my talk about returning to circus training after a Four. Month. Break. This rest was not a...

Returning to the Gym? Take it Easy
My quarantine body While writing letters and connecting with old friends I feel our bonds strengthen across seas and timezones My limbs...

Motivation is Fickle: Tips on Returning to Exercise After a Break
Oh motivation you fickle little bitch. Motivation is a fairy-tale nymph - she dances in while we’re feeling emotionally vulnerable in...

Let the Seasons Shape your Movement and Nutrition: How to Plan Your Year Like An Athlete.
It’s summer time! Hooray. Longer and warmer days mean people are naturally more active and have more energy to move. This is great and...
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