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I Have An Idea

I’m Bendy and I know it: Some things you might not know about your hypermobile body
Did you know that hyper mobile people aren’t just flexible in our joints but we’re flexible in our blood vessels, bones and eyes too?

My Two Week Migraine Reduction Plan
Migraines are hard to diagnose and difficult to treat. It is thought that sixty percent of migraine sufferers are not even aware that...

What Mice and PEACE have to do with Catastrophisation
I was chatting with my daughter in the kitchen and a mouse ran across the floor and scampered under a cupboard. I squealed and jumped...

Self Massage for Pain Management: The Affective Touch Hypothesis
Pleasant sensations are thought to share overlapping neural circuitry with pain. The idea is that through distraction with gentle...

How to Manage Flare Ups
A few months ago I created a beautiful flare up presentation with lots of mid journey (A.I generated) images. The purpose was to help...

Creating a Pain-Flare Plan That Future-You Will Be Grateful For
When chatting to a friend about her experience of living with fibromyalgia she described it as walking around the edges of a dark hole...

Using Your BRAIN: How to Make Informed Decisions About Your Medical Care
In the UK, five million people visit their GP surgery every week and up to 90% of healthcare is delivered by primary care. According to...

Remedies for Non Specific Low Back Pain - the “common cold for the spine”
Just as we are vulnerable to catching a cold when we are tired, run down or stressed so too are we more likely to experience pain in the sam

Good Health is More than Moving and Eating Well: Conducting a Health MOT
A marriage You are holding up a ceiling with both arms. It is very heavy, but you must hold it up, or else it will fall down on you. Your...

Hard times do pass: 10 things to try until then
A cracked ceramic coaster sits in the office. Made with the imprint of your 1 year old hand. You are ten now and strangely we are thrust...
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